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Why do we find it so darn hard sometimes to get out there and let our light shine?

We know at some level that we are magnificent creatures, destined for great things. We’ve had glimpses of it and a part  of us really want’s to step out and shine in our own beautiful ways. We know deep down that our life isn’t some random event and there’s a purpose to why we are here and especially as women, we often find ourselves being very quick to acknowledge how fabulous and talented other women are.  What is it that comes into play when we are getting ready to let our own light shine , or perhaps we have even boldly stepped out there and claimed that ‘space’ for ourselves but it’s the aftermath that kicks in. Was I good enough? Are they judging me? In my own case was I ‘too much’ ? Too full of myself, too cocky . Did I take up too much ‘space’  I remember the 7 year old girl with a spirit that often seemed just too damn big for her body ( I am still little in stature but have been told on a good day that I am far from little in presence ) Aaahhh darn it . there I go again. Judging myself. Who the hell do you think you are?

Sisters, this stuff lives in all of us, We are mirrors for each other. Yes we can reflect each other’s shadows and there are many gifts lurking in that territory but we can also reflect each other’s glory. Of course it’s easier to do all of that in a truly authentic way when our own gremlin isn’t running the show.

Where in your own life do you know that you are ready to ‘step out and shine’, to step into a long held dream or vision, to be able to fully express yourself the way you would like to and to know and really honour the idea that you are ‘good enough’. Perhaps that’s what lies at the heart of this. Am I good enough to let my light shine in the way my heart is calling me to? AM I strong enough to show my vulnerability? To not make up that it’s a weakness but to remember and recognise that it’s part of being human.

To quote that Marianne Williams poem.

‘We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others’


So Shine Sister Shine!